Although the body is able to produce the amount of cholesterol it needs for sustaining its normal activity, a high-cholesterol diet can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels. Foods of animal origin are rich in cholesterol and saturated fats that are very harmful to the organism when they are consumed in large quantities. You may want to interchange meats and dairy products with vegetables, cereals and fruits in order to maintain normal cholesterol levels. Simple carbohydrates (sweets) also enable cholesterol to build up inside the body and therefore may want to be avoided.
Proper physical workout is especially invaluable for keeping your blood cholesterol levels in settlement. Regular physical workout improves blood circulation and helps in the elimination of extra cholesterol. Exercise frequently and you will be able to maintain normal cholesterol levels and lose extra weight.
Smoking is regarded as to be a big factor of risk in heart disease. Smoking facilitates cholesterol to deposit inside arteries, where they can cause blockage, perturbing the normal blood flow. If you have high blood cholesterol levels and you're a smoker, it's miles advised to quit smoking. Alcohol also contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol in the bloodstream and therefore it may want to be avoided.
Within normal limits, cholesterol is especially invaluable to the organism. The liver produces cholesterol (a waxy, viscous substance) in small quantities, as it's miles required in certain physiological processes. Without cholesterol, the body is unable to produce hormones (testosterone and estrogen), vitamin D (fortifies bone tissues) and bile (a especially invaluable substance utilized in digesting fat). While in small quantities cholesterol is benefic for the organism, in extra it can cause a great deal of harm. Cholesterol is not soluble in blood and therefore it accumulates and deposits inside arteries, slowing down the normal blood circulation. High cholesterol levels considerably increase the risk of cardio-vascular diseases and even heart failure.
It is especially invaluable to know that there are several types of cholesterol. When you have your cholesterol levels checked, you are normally told the general cholesterol level. Total cholesterol level consists of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). Low-density lipoprotein is also known as "bad cholesterol" and this substance can be harmful to the human body when it accumulates in extra. Bad cholesterol (LDL) accumulates inside arteries and perturbs normal blood circulation. Good cholesterol (HDL) is benign to the organism, as it collects low-density lipoprotein from the bloodstream and brings it back to the liver.
By keeping a healthy diet and by exercising regularly, you will be able to raise your good cholesterol levels, concurrently reducing bad cholesterol levels. By making improvements in your way of living, you will be able to maintain your overall cholesterol levels in settlement.
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